The spray application of K-13 eliminates voids, gaps and compressions that occur with prefabricated insulations. This monolithic coating results in K-13's outstanding field performance. K-13 utilizes a patented adhesive system which adheres to virtually any substrate including glass, urethane, Styrofoam, wood, metal and concrete.
The patented adhesive utilized in the installation of K-13 adheres to virtually all common construction materials including: metal, wood, concrete, urethane, polystyrene and glass. Some surfaces may require pretreatment prior to installing K-13. This unique adhesive provides unequaled strength allowing applications of 3/4 inch to over 5 inches without mechanical support. This capability provides R-values from 3 to over 19. K-13 is also available in a variety of standard colors, white, black, light gray, tan, beige, and dark gray, and can be special ordered to match any color chip. Providing a durable carpet like texture K-13 is ideal for below grade parking areas, gymnasiums, manufacturing facilities and metal buildings, to name a few.
K-13 also reduces reverberation and noise levels. The result is a more comfortable working environment providing greater utilization of the building. Overall noise level reductions of over 8-15 dB have been obtained in many different industrial applications. This high acoustical absorption assists in meeting OSHA noise level requirements.
The unique acoustical properties of K-13 also substantially reduce sound transfer between walls and floors. This is ideal where offices or concrete rooms are located adjacent to noisy areas. Acoustical enclosures can also be fabricated and sprayed inside with K-13 to isolate loud machinery. STC ratings from 30 to over 50 can be easily achieved with K-13 in conjunction with your existing assembly.
The adhesive used to apply K-13 provides a strong, durable and resilient bond. This unique combination of properties provides remarkable durability. K-13 will resist impact and abrasion without the cracking or spalling typical to many cementitious or plaster based materials.